
Summer Course with Organic Imam Imran Ghani

Sign up for this course this summer with our very own Imran Ghani

Course Title: Towards Better Practicing Islam

Year: Summer 2016

Dates: May 30th – July 15th

Times: 9:50am – 1:50pm

Instructor: Imran Ghani

Contact: i h ghani at g mail dot com or 71three 9two2 5two7zero


Course Description

This course explores various areas of fundamental Islamic learning. Topics covered include the opening

chapter of the Qur’an (Surah al-Fatihah); personal-devotional obligations (fard ‘ayn) such as purification

(tahara), prayer (salah), and fasting (siyaam); prophetic biography (seerah); and purification of the heart


While students will survey a vast amount of content, they will master only the essential aspects of these

topics. The aim is to wet students’ appetite for getting closer to God and the Prophet Muhammad (S)

through the pursuit of knowledge and devotional practice.

Classes will be highly interactive with discussions, student presentations, short quizzes, and a final exam.

The instructor’s role will be to act as a fellow learner who guides students through demonstration,

dialogue, and active-reflective listening. These topics will be especially viewed through the pastoral lens

for the purpose of building faith, cultivating virtue, eradicating vice, and healing.


Course Objectives

– Gain proficiency in reciting and understanding Surah Fatiha

– Learn the rules and virtues of purification, prayer, and fasting

– Read and discuss the biography of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)

– Become conversant with the spiritual diseases of the heart and its cures

– Ultimately, draw nearer to God almighty and the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)

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